Tuesday, August 28, 2007

United States was founded as a secular nation.

Duration: 10:58 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-20 21:28:20
User: g0at
:::: Favorites

One nation, OVER god. Yes, I messed up when editing in the middle, just disregard it.

USMCtheAlmighty ::: Favorites
The secular assault on God and the Creator threatens the heart of the American system because in this country we are endowed by our CREATOR with certain unalienable rights. Everywhere else people are endowed by the government. In this country the power resides with the people who loan it to the government. Totally different model. But if Creator disappears, then you have just another nation where the power resides with the government who chooses whether or not to loan that power to the people.
07-08-03 18:27:30
USMCtheAlmighty ::: Favorites
I'm quite certain that you didn't even watch Newt's video or if you did, you lack the intellectual wattage to comprehend his message. He says nothing about Christianity, so your 10 minutes of fumbling and mispronouncing the quotes of our Founders really has nothing to do with Newt's message.
07-08-03 18:18:49
matt1031x ::: Favorites
Contrast the United States government (founded on Christian PRINCIPLES) with those governments founded on Islamic principles and principles established by man (USSR, Nazi Germany, Iran, etc.) God Bless the USA and our founders who put themselves to the mercy of a "higher being" when creating our laws. If we put our trust in man as being at the top of the chain, we'd be doomed.
07-08-02 21:05:22
Skitzophrenick ::: Favorites
lol. I know you didn't mean to be funny but I loved that you practically went against a lot of history itself. I also enjoyed the fact that you had to make a 10 min video to rebbuttle a 3 minute one.
07-07-23 13:36:10
g0at ::: Favorites
like what history? Jeffersons personal journal? Or speeches? Or documents like the treaty of tripoly? Or documents like the constitution that don't mention a union of the state and christianity?
07-07-24 00:20:43
charlietcc ::: Favorites
The Danbury Baptist letter made not the slightest pretense of being an "interpretation of the first amendment" - as well it shouldn't have, since Jefferson was in France when the Constitution was being drafted. It has been made into an interpretation by those who were not happy with what the first amendment actually said, but preferred to change it through the courts rather than the amendment process.
07-05-15 21:15:21
charlietcc ::: Favorites
"Most of our founding fathers were unitarians, deists, secularists." That's a lie. Of the 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention, 52 belonged to a Christian denomination.
07-05-15 21:14:35
ItCameFromThem ::: Favorites
not prosecuting you, but proof?
07-06-27 03:18:33
Ghaztoir ::: Favorites
You dumb idiot. How the hell can you say with a straight face that the founding fathers had no religious background or belief? Why did the protestants escape england then? Who the hell are YOU to belittle the documents pertaining to god that have formed the background of law in the usa? You are obviously severely mistaken. The book you gave these quotes from is also biased, and therefore your opinions are biased and not to be taken seriously. Go beat off a bible, poleboy.
07-05-01 15:41:14
pbilger ::: Favorites
Ghaztoit is a person that doesn't believe in our Constitution. This type of person, is a person that believes in hatred and is a bigot. What is quoting from is history.
07-05-06 20:03:15
Imallvol7 ::: Favorites
This country was founded as one nation under God. Everyone is free to worship as the please, but it doesn't change the fact that this nation was founded completely on Christian principles. If you want to retaliate with curse words and irrational outbursts, be my guest, but you are so wrong.
07-04-22 19:50:13
pbilger ::: Favorites
Which God? Look at the Tripoli at Library of Congress page 3093-3970. It states that we are not a Christian Nation. John Adams May 26, 1797 We are a nation of Christian and other faiths. Get over it.
07-05-06 20:11:59
thidranki ::: Favorites
umm, did you even watch the video?
07-07-20 00:01:49
JuanitoEstaAqui ::: Favorites
"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation [the Unitied States of America] was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians, not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ!" - Patrick Henry, American revolutionist
07-04-20 20:41:43
jedi1josh ::: Favorites
The first president of the United States was not the God of the Bible.
07-04-13 22:28:57
tbrown52 ::: Favorites
It seems that just as fundamentalists misread their bibles, they also misread their country's history when they claim America to be founded upon Christianity. I somehow think that their ignorance is deliberate!
07-03-21 18:08:59
pbilger ::: Favorites
Newt Gingrich is know to write Speculative fiction. Something he makes up in his head.
07-05-06 20:20:17
g0at ::: Favorites
If it wasn't founded as a religious nation? What does that mean? Secular..."not pertaining to or connected with religion". Would you agree? DOI? the Declaration of Independence does not represent any law of the United States. It came before the establishment of our lawful government (the Constitution). The Declaration aimed at announcing the separation of America from Great Britain and it listed the various grievances with them.
07-03-20 22:36:34
Coey87 ::: Favorites
Wouldn't you say that the DoI spoke to why they wished to separate from Great Britain? Some of the reasons pertained to Religious Freedoms. And just because it's not a legal document doesn't change the fact that it to some point represented the will of the people. As always, very well done video.
07-03-21 01:50:43
USMCtheAlmighty ::: Favorites
The Declaration is the first document in our National Archives so you're incorrect. It is in fact a legal document. My question to you is, what do you suppose they meant by "we are endowed by our Creator". Or perhaps the quote that lines Jefferson's memorial: "I swear upon the altar of God Almighty eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." What do you suppose he meant by "the altar of God Almighty"?
07-08-03 18:10:04

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